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- setup
- {
- scale 0.52 // Set default scale to 16/30.5 since world is in 16 units per foot and model is in cm's
- path models/weapons/shotgun
- skelmodel shotgun.skd
- surface shotgun shader shotgun
- }
- init
- {
- server
- {
- //========================================//
- //========================================//
- classname Weapon
- weapontype heavy
- weaponsubtype 2
- name "Shotgun"
- rank 620 620
- //========================================//
- //========================================//
- // Winchester Shotgun: Max Eff. Range is 25 yds with a muzzle velocity of X ft/s. (Double Ought Buckshot)
- sp bulletrange 1000 //the range at which bulletspread is applied
- sp bulletspread 80 80 95 95 //minpitch minyaw maxpitch maxyaw
- dm bulletrange 1000
- dm bulletspread 80 80 95 95
- realism bulletrange 1000
- realism bulletspread 80 80 95 95
- //========================================//
- //========================================//
- // currently does a total 300 potential damage, but uses more pellets in SP
- sp bulletcount 30
- sp bulletdamage 10
- dm bulletcount 20
- dm bulletdamage 14 //was 15
- realism bulletcount 20
- realism bulletdamage 17 //was 15
- sp firedelay 0.75
- dm firedelay 0.75
- realism firedelay 0.75
- //========================================//
- //========================================//
- sp movementspeed 0.99
- dm movementspeed 0.99
- realism movementspeed 0.99
- //========================================//
- //========================================//
- secondary firetype melee
- secondary ammotype none
- secondary ammorequired 0
- secondary meansofdeath bash
- secondary bulletknockback 50
- secondary quiet
- sp secondary bulletrange 64
- sp secondary bulletdamage 60
- dm secondary bulletrange 96
- dm secondary bulletdamage 60
- realism secondary bulletrange 96
- realism secondary bulletdamage 60
- //========================================//
- // AMMO //
- //========================================//
- firetype bullet
- ammotype "shotgun"
- meansofdeath shotgun
- semiauto
- clipsize 5
- ammorequired 1
- sp startammo 5
- dm startammo 60
- sprealism startammo 5
- dmrealism startammo 45
- // Additional DM Loadout
- dm additionalstartammo "grenade" 2
- dm additionalstartammo "smokegrenade" 1
- // dm startitem "items/binoculars.tik"
- // Additional DM Realism Loadout
- dmrealism additionalstartammo "grenade" 2
- dmrealism additionalstartammo "smokegrenade" 1
- // dmrealism startitem "items/binoculars.tik"
- //========================================//
- //========================================//
- tracerfrequency 0
- crosshair 1
- //========================================//
- // SOUND, AI, OTHER //
- //========================================//
- pickupsound shotgun_snd_pickup
- ammopickupsound shotgun_snd_pickup_ammo
- noammosound shotgun_snd_noammo
- // Holstering info
- // holstertag "Bip01 Spine2"
- // holsteroffset "8.0 -7.75 6.5"
- // holsterangles "0 185 -25"
- // holsterScale 1.0
- // AI animation group info
- weapongroup rifle //TODO: If AI use this weapon, we need a shotgun group.
- airange short
- }
- client
- {
- cache tracer.spr
- cache muzsprite.spr
- cache models/ammo/shotgunshell.tik
- cache model models/fx/bh_metal_fastpiece.tik
- }
- }
- animations
- {
- idle shotgun.skc
- reload shotgun.skc // this is the start of the reloading sequence
- {
- client
- {
- entry sound shotgun_snd_reload_start
- }
- }
- reload_single shotgun.skc // this is the reload loop that loads in a single shell
- {
- client
- {
- entry stopaliaschannel shotgun_snd_reload_single
- entry sound shotgun_snd_reload_single
- }
- }
- reload_end shotgun_fire.skc
- {
- server
- {
- last idle
- }
- client
- {
- entry sound shotgun_snd_reload_end
- }
- }
- secondaryfire shotgun.skc
- {
- server
- {
- entry shoot secondary
- }
- }
- fire shotgun_fire.skc
- {
- server
- {
- entry shoot
- }
- client
- {
- entry stopaliaschannel shotgun_snd_fire
- entry sound shotgun_snd_fire
- // this is the sound for the rechambering pump
- entry stopaliaschannel shotgun_snd_rechamber
- entry sound shotgun_snd_rechamber
- // By now, the server has already fired the weapon, so it's
- // ok to apply the view kick apon entry to avoid problems
- // with multiple application on single frame animations.
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // View Kicking
- //
- // View Kicking works based on the assumptions that every weapon has its own tendencies to kick in
- // a paticular fashion. In MOH we call then scatter patterns. Currently we have 2 scatter patterns which
- // will be explained.
- // Scatter Patterns:
- // "V" - the cone. The longer you shoot the more random your shots will be in the horizontal axis.
- // "T" - the T shape. The gun has a tendancy to push in a paticular direction.
- //
- //
- // +-------------------------------------------- Scatter Pitch Min
- // | +--------------------------------------- Scatter Pitch Max
- // | | +------------------------------- Scatter Yaw Min
- // | | | +--------------------------- Scatter Yaw Max
- // | | | | +--------------------- The Recentering speed in fraction per second
- // | | | | | +---------------- The Scatter Pattern
- // | | | | | | +---------- The absolute pitch min/max
- // | | | | | | | +------- The absolute yaw min/max
- // | | | | | | | | +----- This is the pitch at which you loose all
- // | | | | | | | | | control of the weapon and its behavior is
- // | | | | | | | | | purely random.
- // V V V V V V V V V
- entry viewkick -20.0 -20.0 0.05 0.05 15.2 "T" 12.0 5.0 10.0
- // entry viewkick -1.2 -1.2 -0.2 0.2 1 "V" 3.0 1.0 1.6 (Colt .45 Pistol)
- // entry viewkick -3 -3.5 -0.75 -1.0 (old)
- // muzzle flash
- entry tagdlight tag_barrel 0.25 0.2 0.15 140 0.11
- entry tagspawnlinked tag_barrel
- (
- scale 0.4
- offsetalongaxis 1.5 0 0
- count 1
- model muzsprite.spr
- angles 0 0 crandom 25
- life 0.06
- )
- entry tagspawn tag_barrel
- (
- spawnrate 1.00
- model models/fx/bh_metal_fastpiece.tik
- count 2
- color 1.00 1.00 1.00
- scale 0.20
- life 0.30
- radius 3.00
- velocity 100.00
- randvel 100 0 0
- accel 0.00 0.00 -120.00
- offsetalongaxis 4 0 0
- fade
- align
- )
- entry tagspawnlinked tag_barrel
- (
- spawnrate 1.00
- model muzsprite.spr
- color 1.00 1.00 1.00
- scale 0.60
- life 0.09
- scalerate 12.00
- velocity 33.00
- offsetalongaxis 4 0 0
- fade
- randomroll
- )
- entry tagspawnlinked tag_barrel
- (
- spawnrate 1.00
- model muzsprite.spr
- color 1.00 1.00 1.00
- scale 0.60
- life 0.10
- scalerate 3.00
- velocity 40.00
- offsetalongaxis 5 0 0
- randomroll
- )
- entry commanddelay 0.010 originspawn
- (
- model vsssource.spr
- count 5
- alpha 0.30
- color 1.00 1.00 1.00
- spritegridlighting
- scale 0.70
- life 0.50
- scalerate 6.00
- cone 6.00 2.00
- velocity 320.00
- radialvelocity 11.00 60.00 120.00
- accel 0.00 0.00 -30.00
- friction 5.00
- offset crandom -5 crandom -5 crandom -5
- offsetalongaxis 30 0 0
- fade
- randomroll
- )
- // shell eject
- entry commanddelay 0.2 tagspawn tag_eject
- (
- count 1
- model models/ammo/shotgunshell.tik
- spawnrange 1024
- scale 1.0
- velocity 70
- randvel crandom 10 crandom 10 random 20
- emitterangles 0 0 0
- avelocity crandom 90 crandom 90 0
- accel 0 0 -800
- physicsrate 20
- life 2.0
- fadedelay 1.7
- collision
- bouncefactor 0.2
- bouncesoundonce snd_shotgun_shell
- )
- }
- }
- }
- /*QUAKED addon_playerweapon_allied_shotgun (0.0 0.0 1.0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
- Weapon - Winchester Model 12 Shotgun
- */